Home Owners Association Lawyer

Home owners association (HOA) attorney, Dan Reynolds offers a full range of legal services to residential, commercial, and mixed-use common interest community associations to help them run their communities as smoothly and efficiently as possible. These services include the transition from developer control to owner control, interpretation and amendment of the association’s governing documents (e.g., condominium maps, declaration of covenants, bylaws, rules and regulations, policies, etc.), review of contractor service agreements, collection of assessments and enforcement of covenants, attendance at meetings, and legislative updates.

As a founding member of the Community Associations Institute’s Rocky Mountain Chapter (CAI-RMC) Mountain Education Committee and frequent educational speaker for CAI-RMC, Dan has an in-depth understanding of Colorado community association law, including the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) and Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, and how these laws interrelate with the association’s governing documents.

Dan’s experience is unique to Colorado’s mountain communities and he’s committed to educating our mountain communities regarding the many laws affecting homeowners associations. At the CAI-RMC’s recent Mountain Education Lunch & Learn in Vail, Dan spoke about budgeting for homeowners associations because many mountain communities fail to conduct their financial affairs correctly. He discussed the specific reporting requirements within Colorado and Federal regulations affecting homeowners associations, including but not limited to:

  • Financial statements prepared according to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP);
  • The use of the accrual basis of accounting;
  • Full presentation of financial statements;
  • Separate fund balances maintained;
  • Reserves set aside for significant repairs or replacement of common property; and
  • Meeting minutes that indicate adoption of budget and reserve plans.

Dan’s mission through these presentation and client representation is to provide his mountain communities with effective, practical and prudent representation that solves problems, improves governance, creates community harmony and contributes to long-term community success.